Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Job's Daughters International
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.

Job's Daughters International is an organization for young women ages 8-20. Founded in 1920, the organization teaches principles of integrity, patriotism, dedication, leadership, friendship, and scholarship.
Bethel 337, Orange is a very active Bethel with strong membership. We are grateful for our support from Orange Grove Masonic Lodge #293, El Bekal Shrine, and Scepter Chapter #163, Order of the Eastern Star. This local Bethel has been serving the City of Orange and surrounding areas for over sixty years.
Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Job's Daughters International
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.

Click on each image to learn more about our events and activities!
Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.

Click on each image to learn more about our service to the community!
Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Job's Daughters International
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.

Many Masonic organizations are very generous in providing scholarships to active members of Job's Daughters and other Masonic Youth organizations. In addition, friendly competitions at the annual Grand Bethel (California) and Supreme Bethel (international) sessions provide our members opportunities to showcase their many talents.
Scholarship Awards
2024 — Eastern Star, California Job's Daughters Foundation, Grand Guardian Council, Royal Arch Masons, Supreme Guardian Council2023 — California Job's Daughters Foundation, Supreme Guardian Council2021 — Grand Guardian Council2018 — Scottish Rite, Grand Guardian Council, Ruffians Motorcycle Club, California Job's Daughters Foundation
Competition Awards
2024 — State of California Grand Bethel
1st Place Digital Art,
1st Place Acrylic Painting,
1st Place Pastel Drawing,
2nd Place Decoupage,
2nd Place Photography,
3rd Place Flower Arrangement,
3rd Place Librarian's Report2023 — State of California Grand Bethel
3rd Place, Photography2022 — Job's Daughters International Supreme Session
JDI Pride Award - Gold LevelState of California Grand Bethel
Membership Award
1st Place Librarian's Report2021 — Job's Daughters International Supreme Session
1st Place, Instrumental Music
3rd Place, Candid PhotographyState of California Grand Bethel
1st Place, Friendship Competition
3rd Place Winner's Circle, Performing Arts Competition
1st Place, Librarian's Report2019 — State of California Grand Bethel
1st Place, Performing Arts Competition
1st Place, Librarian's Report
1st Place, Fired Ceramics
1st Place, Essay Contest
3rd Place, Photography2018 — State of California Grand Bethel
Membership Award
1st Place, Performing Arts Competition
1st Place, Landscape Photography
1st Place, Portrait Photography
Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Job's Daughters International
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.

Bethel 337, Orange, CA
Job's Daughters International
Sisters. Leaders. Friends.